A full guide to become family doctor


Family medicine is a field of study focused on providing comprehensive medical treatment to patients of all ages. The term “family physician” or “family doctor” emphasises the comprehensive breadth of this specialty as well as its familial roots. There are a few important steps in order to get a family medicine certification in malaysia. If you are passionate to learn about it then this post is for you. 

1) Complete your bachelors degree

The first and the most fundamental steps into becoming a family doctor is for you to complete your bachelors degree. Before entering for the specific subject of your interest, you would need to choose the specific institution. There are institutions that offer different types of major and minor so select accordingly. When choosing the university of your choice you would also want to focus on the cutting rate, the course structure and also the facility that they have to offer. Upon entering, you would also need to choose the subjects in which you have to major and also the subject that you need to take to fulfill the courses like the minor subjects.

2) Apply for medical school 

Once you are done with your bachelors degree you could essentially apply for the medical school of your choice. For this you need to gather several important documents and this may vary according to the college that you are planning to apply to. Generally you are required to prepare a recommendation letter, your transcripts from your bachelors degree, a pre-med resume, a personal statement written by you as well as the application form. Certain times you would need to also compile your curricular certificate just to prove that you are an active student.

3) Complete an MD or DO degree

Once you have decided on the school and the programme, you can enroll and complete your studies in a med school. Be sure that it is an accredited medical school. Most medical school programs would last you for 4 years (excluding lab and also hospital training). The first two years mainly consist of all the general science courses and the other two years would be more focused on your area of interest which follows the major and minor of your choice. You will be required to also sit for the USMLE examination at this point which is the first out of three exams that you need to complete in becoming a family doctor.

4) Obtain your medical license 

Upon completion of your study, you may match into a family residency programme of your choice. You need to first apply to your target programs. The family residency program usually would go on for t20 to three years. It is also considered as one of the shortest residency programs in the medical field. This is because other residency programmes may take up to eight years to complete. Congratulations, you may now apply to obtain your medical license after this step.