Study Foundation in Health Science in Malaysia


The Malaysian Health Science Study Foundations (MHSSF) are a set of five research institutions in Malaysia that are dedicated to health science research. The MHSSF has over 100 members, including health science institutions, private and public corporations, government agencies, and other related organizations. The MHSSF was established in 1998 to support the research needs of its member organizations, as well as contribute towards national policy formulation on health sciences and for the advancement of health sciences education. Malaysia’s Health Science Study Foundations were established in order to provide financial support to research in the health field. The most important part of a research is the resources and funding. The best way to repel potential researchers would be to provide good quality but free research resources, and this is exactly what the foundations do.

study foundations in health science in Malaysia

Here are the top five Malaysian Study Foundations for Health Science:

  • Gurdon Institute for Medical Research
  • Malaysia Cancer Society
  • National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
  • National Cancer Centre Malaysia
  • Cyberjaya Medical Centre

Malaysia is a country with a high literacy rate and high percentage of graduates. The country also has the fourth largest population in the world, which means that there are many opportunities to study in health science. The Malaysian Health Science Study Foundation is a study foundation that provides scholarships for studying in health sciences. The five most popular study foundations in health science in Malaysia are Universiti Putra Malaysia, Univeriti Malaya, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Universiti Sains Malaysia and the National University of Malaysia. Malaysia has many research foundations that provide scholarships for students to study in health science. They are given to top students from high schools and universities who are able to achieve excellent grades and performance in their studies. Malaysia is a country with a huge population and many health problems. 

study foundations in health science in Malaysia

In order to cope up with the amount of people and provide for their medical needs, the government has allocated resources in health care. The Malaysian government has set up five foundations in order to further improve public healthcare services. Malaysian students have the opportunity to get study scholarships and other financial aid from these foundations. These foundations are government-funded and they support research on health sciences, which makes them a great place for students who are keen on pursuing a career in health science. MHSF has three pillars: 1) education and research, 2) community and policy, 3) medical and scientific development. The MHSF is also collaborating with organizations such as the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Higher Education. The Ministry of Health is responsible for the formulation of the National Health Science Plan and subsequent approval of research proposals. Malaysia is blessed with an abundance of world-class medical facilities and health science universities. Such institutions continue to grow in size and scope, engaging in extensive research projects. Malaysia is one of the fastest-growing countries in the world. We have always been an innovative country, and that’s why we are ranked as one of the top countries in Asia for studying health science.