Improve Your Ping And Internet Speed In Three Easy Steps

checking out this site for Time 500mbps


What can you do to reduce ping? It all starts with maximising your internet connection speed, as this is the factor that has the largest impact on pings. As tempting as it may be, you should hold off on fiddling with your game settings or gaming setups until you’ve completed the steps below to boost your home’s network connection. This will assist you in determining whether your excessive ping is caused by your network connection or anything directly related to your gaming setup.

Step 1: Maintain your computer.

Running through a computer maintenance checklist might help your device run faster and communicate more clearly with a gaming router. Because our computers do not receive adequate air, even dust that has accumulated over time can cause overheating.

Another thing to examine is whether or not your ethernet wires are up to date. Ethernet cables are classified into three categories: 3, 4, and 8, or Cat 3 to Cat 8. The higher the category, the more bandwidth and transmission speed you’ll have on the internet. Most homes have ethernet cables that are Cat 5 or higher, which are sufficient for gaming because they can handle internet speeds of 1,000 Mbps or more. Outdated cables, on the other hand, may not be capable of rates more than 100 Mbps.

Step 2: Double-check your router configuration.

Our routers are the heart of our internet connection, and they, too, deserve some tender loving care. Consider the following router upkeep recommendations:

Clear the cache on your router: A full internet cache slows down our gadgets. To completely delete cookies and give your device a fresh start, perform a hard reset on your network.

Place your router in a clear area: Objects, including walls, can interfere with our wireless internet connections. Because signals angle downward, determine whether your router is in an open location and, if so, relocate it higher. Adjust the antennae as well.

Update the firmware on your router: Consider how our devices slow down when software or security updates are required. The same is true for routers, so ensure the firmware on your router is up to date.

Step 3: Perform a speed test on the internet.

Now that your devices are up to snuff, it’s time to run an internet speed test to see if your download speed is being hampered by your internet connection.

By typing “internet speed test” into Google, you may perform an internet speed test. For an estimate of your current download speed, click the “run speed test” button. If your speed score is poor — less than 100 Mbps — it’s possible that the internet is the issue.

Keep in mind that internet speeds are affected by the number of concurrent users on your network. As a result, do a few internet speed tests throughout the day to see if your bandwidth is being strained. You might also try directly connecting your PC to an ethernet cable to observe how the numbers change. If all else fails and you need to change ISPs, try checking out this site for Time 500mbps.