Home Breastfeeding Care for Sore Nipples


Breastfeeding pain is an indication of a condition that should not be overlooked. Although painful or sensitive nipples are typical in the first few days of breastfeeding, they should improve within a few days. When the new-born latches on to the breast for the first time, the mother would generally experience some discomfort or pain for approximately a minute. This generally can go away with some proper treatment by using cream for sore nipples

However, if pain that is intense, constant, or returns after it appears to have gone away, those are the symptoms of a problem that should be addressed by going to your doctor. Cracked, bleeding, or bruised nipples are examples of other issues.

When the nipples get painful as a result of the baby not obtaining enough milk, he or she may begin to suck harder. This is frequently caused by:

Sore nipples and breasts may also result from:

  • The baby sucking for comfort (“hanging out”) without a proper latch after falling asleep at the breast.
  •  Pulling the baby’s mouth away from the breast without first breaking the suction.
  • The baby having a short frenulum (the frenulum connects the tongue to the bottom of the mouth). This is also called “tongue-tie.”

Treatment for painful nipples and general breast care

  • Allow some of the breast milk on your nipples to dry. Breast milk consists of natural skin softeners and antibacterial antibodies, which can aid in the healing and maintenance of nipples.
  • After each feeding, let your nipples air dry. This keeps clothes from clinging to the breast and aggravating it. Sticky clothes can be removed by moistening the nipple.
  • Use cream for sore nipples prepared with modified lanolin or other hypoallergenic components like Lansinoh HPA Lanolin. This best nipple cream choice is a hypoallergenic ointment produced with 100 percent lanolin—that means no preservatives or filler ingredients—and is one of the most recommended by lactation consultants across the globe.
  • After nursing, use cold compresses to your nipples to relieve discomfort. Dry nipples can also be treated with gel pads.
  • If your nipples are inflamed, putting breast shields inside your bra to prevent clothing from rubbing on your nipples may assist.
  • Make sure your breasts are properly supported. Cotton bras with broad, non-elastic straps will support your breasts while avoiding nipple irritation. Nursing bras include openings in each cup to allow for breastfeeding and air drying of the nipples. Wear a bra at night for added support.
  • Ask your doctor or lactation consultant to check your baby’s tongue for a small frenulum if your nipples are really painful. A small frenulum (the tube that links the tongue to the bottom of the mouth) might restrict the movements of the baby’s tongue and cause discomfort.


  • Breastfeeding pads with plastic liners.
  • The majority of all-purpose lotions and creams. These aren’t advised since their characteristics might harm both your nipples and your infant.

If you still have painful, red nipples after attempting home remedies for a day or two, see your doctor or a lactation consultant.